Leap Ahead Child Development Center
"More than a Day Care Center"
641 N. Keys Rd., Yakima, WA 98901
Phone: 509-453-8688
Fax: 509-454-2679
E-Mail: leapaheadcdc@gmail.com
State License No.: 1066317
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At Leap Ahead Child Development center, we have three Pre-School rooms, each one focused on a different age group in the thirty month old to pre-kindergarten age levels. All Pre-School classrooms have a computer tablet for introduction to the use of computers and on-line resources. An outside music teacher comes in weekly to introduce the children to music appreciation.
Pre-School One is a transitional classroom, where the focus is on getting the children completely potty-trained. We teach them how to hold writing utensils correctly, and introduce them to learning in organized instructional circles. The circle times feature story time, art and music. Children will typically spend about one year in this room, although they can move up earlier depending upon their development needs.
Pre-School Two and Three are focused on getting the children ready for kindergarten. Generally, the children are aged 3-1/2 to 5 years old. The teachers utilize 'Creative Curriculum' and 'Handwriting Without Tears'. Teachers are also guided by the policies and procedures prescribed by the state Early Achievers Program, which is regularly monitored by their staff. The recognition of letters and numbers is an integral part of the curriculum. There are weekly science experiments as well.
When weather permits, there are ample outdoor play yard activities which feature play toys, tricycles, and climbing structures.

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